The role of the Universities is to prepare elites who can see the decays of their conducts as well as the societies’. But the task does not end there, it further prepare intellects that can get rid of the decays and make a country better for the individuals in a community.
Seeing the decays is not a matter of an overnight task, it takes life. Much enthusiasm is needed, more boring efforts are essential, and most of the best it needs too much of understanding your decays.
But how do you become the solution towards removing the decays while you are a part of the decay you and yourself? There are much of the evidences to realize the areas of your decays.
One of the ways is measuring the extent at which you are a decay is by considering the way you have or lack self esteem.
People who lack self esteem often spend a lot of time looking inward at their miseries, while people who seem happy and content with themselves seem to spend their time interacting with others. If you consider your miseries much and forget that you have positive things to show people, you have decayed.
If you look inward all time, you are probably making yourself more miserable and it’s suffice to say you have decayed and you can not see the decays of our society. You are in the World for nothing.
Self esteem is justified by relating more to people around you. Just ask them “how was your day? Or how is it going... show that you are interested in people and inspiring them….and then share your experience on areas of interests. If you can not share your experience, you are the decay of the society.
People need to be inspired, as in the ethics principles that “do to others as you’d like others to do to you. Amazingly, most of the educated are more radical, they isolate themselves from the society as if they were educated to be not the part of the society after being intellectuals. If you can not inspire people you are the decay of the society.
You are a decay of the society if you do show your intellectualism, if you don’t act to people positively you are also a decay of the community… when you act positively toward others, they will act positively toward you, and this in turn will make you feel better about yourself and become the part of removing the society’s decays.
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